
Nazwy geograficzne

Nazwy geograficzne

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Nazwy krajów i ich mieszkańców

Nazwy krajów i ich mieszkańców

     Choć nazwy mieszkańców krajów wraz z przymiotnikami tworzonymi od nazw...
Części mowy

Części mowy

     Początki myślenia o podziale elementów języka na części mowy...

Polish course books - grammar, vocabulary and textbooks

The course books published by PROLOG Publishing House are developed by an experienced team of practising teachers. The HURRA!!! series is a series of course books designed to be used for learning on Polish language during language courses. The Testuj Swój Polski series can be used as a supplement and expansion to the HURRA course books and as a material for self-study (grammar and vocabulary) and is particularly attractive in the PLUS version, which contains index cards and audio clips (in five languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian) and a box for organising vocabulary revision with the use of cards and audio clips. Survival Polish. Crash Course in the Self-study and Classroom Edition versions is recommended as an introductory book at the A0/A1 level.