Krzyżówki dla uczących się języka polskiego
KRZYŻÓWKI DLA UCZĄCYCH SIĘ JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO (CROSSWORDS FOR Learners of the Polish language)is aimed at those starting their adventure with the Polish language. The aim of the work is to systematize and consolidate the vocabulary introduced at the A1 level. The thematically grouped lexis has been presented in an attractive form of 22 crosswords, in which, instead of traditional, i.e. verbal, explanations to individual entries, illustrations were used. The learners focus only on the vocabulary related to a specific topic and do not encounter difficulties in understanding the description of the entries. KRZYŻÓWKI DLA UCZĄCYCH SIĘ JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO will be perfect both for individual work (e.g. as an aid for revisions) and for lessons (e.g. as an original summary of classes)
Gry i zabawy językowe. Język polski jako obcy. A0/A1
GRY I ZABAWY JĘZYKOWE is a carefully designed set of teaching aids for learning Polish as a foreign language, created for teachers who want to conduct their classes (both - group and individual) in an attractive way. 66 A4 boards contain various activating tasks: quizzes, board games, exercises with loopholes, cards with situation scenarios, etc. In combination with rich illustrative material, they are a great tool to help students consolidate vocabulary and learn basic structures from A0 / A1 level. Simple, intuitive tasks encourage to the greatest possible language activity and create many opportunities for fun and group integration. Appropriately stiffened boards are reusable. Particular parts of the games are ready to be cut out, and depending on the needs of the teachers, the boards can be additionally copied. GRY I ZABAWY JĘZYKOWE can be used in group and individual lessons. The brochure included in the set contains a description of all games along with practical tips and various implementation options for specific tasks. The instructions book contains tables with hints, which games can be used as supplementary or repetitive material in working with the textbooks HURRA!!! Po polsku 1 and SURVIVAL POLISH CRASH COURSE. Due to their universal character, GRY I ZABAWY JĘZYKOWE can, however, be used on all courses at the A0 / A1 level.
Gra edukacyjna "3...2...1... START"
Gra edukacyjna "3...2...1....START!" to plansza, która może być używana zarówno na zajęciach jezyka polskiego, jak i w zabawie towarzyskiej wśród osób uczących się języka. Na rewersie planszy znajdują się odpowiedzi.
e-book Krzyżówki dla uczących się języka polskiego PDF
KRZYŻÓWKI DLA UCZĄCYCH SIĘ JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO (CROSSWORDS FOR Learners of the Polish language)is aimed at those starting their adventure with the Polish language. The aim of the work is to systematize and consolidate the vocabulary introduced at the A1 level. The thematically grouped lexis has been presented in an attractive form of 22 crosswords, in which, instead of traditional, i.e. verbal, explanations to individual entries, illustrations were used. The learners focus only on the vocabulary related to a specific topic and do not encounter difficulties in understanding the description of the entries. KRZYŻÓWKI DLA UCZĄCYCH SIĘ JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO will be perfect both for individual work (e.g. as an aid for revisions) and for lessons (e.g. as an original summary of classes).