"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" to pierwszy tak obszerny zbiór ćwiczeń z polskiej ortografii napisany specjalnie dla cudzoziemców. Do podręcznika dołączona jest płyta z dyktandami.
Książka przebogata w treść i niezwykle atrakcyjnie zilustrowana, świetnie sprawdza się również w pracy z uczniami polskimi, szczególnie polonijnymi.
Plakat "Bądź mistrzem polskiej ortografii. Wymiana ułatwia życie"
Spelling poster entitled. "Replacement makes life easier" in the size of 84 cm x 56,5 cm, is an extremely useful teaching aid for a teacher of Polish as a foreign language, it will decorate the wall of the studio and help in mastering spelling issues related to the replacement of consonants.
Kubek ceramiczny z motywem graficznym pochodzącym z książki "Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców".Autor rysunku: Paweł KołodziejskiSrednica 7 cm, wysokość 10 cmNadaje się do mycia w zmywarce.
e-book Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF+MP3
"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" is the first comprehensive collection of exercises of Polish orthography written specifically for foreigners. The author, Dr. Elizabeth Zarych, has used her experience gained at the Jagiellonian University in the course of working with students, including Erasmus scholarship holders and translators. Issues that are particularly problematic for foreigners are comprehensively presented In 10 chapters. The rules of spelling are explained in detail and are accompanied by a variety of exercises, among which are: Pronunciation- spelling exercises, Word formation exercises, Clozes, Grammar tables, Diagrams, Language games, Recipes, Literary works, Songs, Dictations. In the learning of orthography, funny pictures also help in memorizing rules.The book can be used both as a self-learning book (answer key included) as well as a book to be used by a teacher in a classroom.The book includes a CD with MP3 audio recordings of exercises as well as dictations read at different speeds.The mp3 files can also be download from the web - using code from the CD.
Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" is the first comprehensive collection of exercises of Polish orthography written specifically for foreigners. The author, Dr. Elizabeth Zarych, has used her experience gained at the Jagiellonian University in the course of working with students, including Erasmus scholarship holders and translators. Issues that are particularly problematic for foreigners are comprehensively presented In 10 chapters. The rules of spelling are explained in detail and are accompanied by a variety of exercises, among which are: Pronunciation- spelling exercises, Word formation exercises, Clozes, Grammar tables, Diagrams, Language games, Recipes, Literary works, Songs, Dictations. In the learning of orthography, funny pictures also help in memorizing rules.The book can be used both as a self-learning book (answer key included) as well as a book to be used by a teacher in a classroom.The book includes MP3 audio recordings of exercises which can be download from the web.