e-book (mobi) Odkrywamy język polski. Gramatyka dla uczących (się) języka polskiego jako obcego

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Learner's Grammar for Polish as a foreign language (in three languages: Polish, English and German) is a systematic presentation of Polish grammar through which the author invites learners to have fun and independently 'discover' the grammatical structures of the Polish language. Such a method of introducing the complexity of Polish grammar is especially learner-friendly and motivating. In turn, many humorous examples, sample sentences and illustrations explaining more challenging grammar problems facilitate the acquisition and retention of grammar rules. For those who prefer a more traditional approach to learning, the author presents clear tables and commentaries.
Learner's Grammar in English and German have been compiled comparatively. This allows foreign language learners to quickly grasp structural differences between Polish and English, and Polish and German respectively, which in turn leads to a more swift acquisition of Polish grammar.