Travelfriend - przeznaczony jest dla odwiedzających Polskę turystów, którzy chcieliby użyć w podróży kilka podstawowych polskich zwrotów, ale nie planują intensywnej nauki języka.
Travelfriend. Super Basic Polish
TRAVELFRIEND, SUPER BASIC POLISH Designed for tourists visiting Poland, who would like to use a few basic Polish phrases for travelling purposes, but do not plan to learn the language intensively. This, visually very attractive and handy guide to the Polish language consists of 7 subjects (each contained in one page), such as "On the Road", "Restaurant", "Food", "In a hotel", "Health", "Shopping". Each page contains selected, the basic vocabulary of the branch, along with illustrations, simplified pronunciation and English equivalents. In addition to a list of absolutely essential words and phrases (WORDS YOU MUST KNOW), a lot of short, thematic dialogues, where the main character is Travelfriend –a bushwhacking tourist friend who draws your attention to typically Polish situations which are of importance to the tourist. Travelfriend consists of: - 7 thematic pages: "Words You must know", "On the Road", "Restaurant", "Food", "At a Hotel," "Health," Shopping " - Pictorial glossaries and mini dictionaries PL / simplified pronunciation / ENG - Cultural information