Polski w szkole to nowatorska seria do nauki języka polskiego dla dzieci w wieku 7–10 lat, dla których język polski jest językiem obcym, językiem drugim lub językiem odziedziczonym.
Podręcznik uwzględnia język edukacji szkolnej, język codziennej komunikacji, także wyrażania emocji i sposobów mówienia o nich, wprowadza do nauki czytania i pisania, przez zagadnienia gramatyczne prowadzi w sposób komunikacyjny.
Komponenty: podręcznik ucznia (+mp3), zeszyt ćwiczeń, podręcznik nauczyciela z dostępem do Strefy Nauczyciela.
e-book Polski w szkole. Podręcznik nauczyciela. PDF
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Podręcznik nauczyciela. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The teacher's manual is an essential tool for implementing lessons in the Polish at School series. For experienced teachers it can be a source of new teaching ideas and inspiration, and for people who are just starting to teach Polish as a foreign language, this material is an indispensable support in preparing classes. The teacher's manual contains: description of the series and the didactic solutions undertaken, its most important assumptions and working methods, explanations of selected cultural issues, suggestions for working with instructions, proposals regarding how to assess and maintain a language portfolio, 120 ready-made lesson plans, list of materials that will be needed to complete the lessons, access to the Teacher's Zone, where you can download ready-made teaching materials: illustrations for printing, photos, worksheets, game boards, MP3 recordings, transcripts and more. Sample pages: In the Teacher Zone you will find: MP3 recordings for the student's textbook. Downloadable files in the form of print-ready PDFs, which are an integral part of the teacher's manual. With their help, you can teach and play with the children, which diversifies the class activities. The materials have been prepared for specific lessons, and their presence in the Zone improves the teacher's preparation for classes. Additional materials, games and exercises. Access to all materials is free for all who purchased the book. The access code, located on the inside cover, should be entered in the appropriate place on the publisher's website. Kod dostępu, zamieszczony na wewnętrznej okładce, należy wpisać w odpowiednim miejscu na stronie wydawnictwa. Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.
e-book Polski w szkole. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. PDF
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The exercise book for the Polski w szkole textbook is an integral component of working with the series. It is an effective and user-friendly tool for consolidating the content learned in the textbook. The structure of the workbook corresponds to what is proposed in the pupils's book. The teacher will find instructions for working with the workbook in the teacher's manual. The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. The exercise book contains: a total of 240 exercises to consolidate the content introduced in the pupil’s book, exercise material systematizing work on deepening linguistic and cultural competences, a package of tasks supporting regular work on developing reading and writing skills in Polish, a group of project tasks aimed at developing the autonomy of children, as well as shaping their ability to cooperate with others, a module of fun exercises encouraging children to actively learn the Polish language. Sample pages: Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.
e-book Polski w szkole. Podręcznik ucznia. PDF
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Podręcznik ucznia. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The Pupil's Book includes: The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. 10 chapters, each containing 12 lessons, including: 6 communication lessons, with the fifth lesson always related to getting to know Poland, and the sixth lesson to learning customs and information about Poland and other countries, 1 lesson "How language work?" consolidating, in a communicative way, selected grammatical issues, the "Words and vocabulary" page, organizing and collecting new vocabulary, 2 lessons "School essentials", introducing elements of the language of school education, 1 lesson "I read and write" introducing systematic learning of reading and writing, 1 lesson "Emotion box", concerning emotions, ways of expressing them, behavior in selected situations, 1 project lesson, during which children work on projects using their language skills, a page with a presentation of the characters from the manual and a presentation of command symbols used in the manual, a list of selected grammar issues, transcripts of recordings (downloadable with code), audio recordings for lessons in the PROLOG Augmented App, available for free download in Google Play and App Store. Sample pages: Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.
Polski w szkole. Zeszyt ćwiczeń
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The exercise book for the Polski w szkole textbook is an integral component of working with the series. It is an effective and user-friendly tool for consolidating the content learned in the textbook. The structure of the workbook corresponds to what is proposed in the pupils's book. The teacher will find instructions for working with the workbook in the teacher's manual. The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. The exercise book contains: a total of 240 exercises to consolidate the content introduced in the pupil’s book, exercise material systematizing work on deepening linguistic and cultural competences, a package of tasks supporting regular work on developing reading and writing skills in Polish, a group of project tasks aimed at developing the autonomy of children, as well as shaping their ability to cooperate with others, a module of fun exercises encouraging children to actively learn the Polish language. Sample pages: Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.
Polski w szkole. Podręcznik nauczyciela
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Podręcznik nauczyciela. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The teacher's manual is an essential tool for implementing lessons in the Polish at School series. For experienced teachers it can be a source of new teaching ideas and inspiration, and for people who are just starting to teach Polish as a foreign language, this material is an indispensable support in preparing classes. The teacher's manual contains: description of the series and the didactic solutions undertaken, its most important assumptions and working methods, explanations of selected cultural issues, suggestions for working with instructions, proposals regarding how to assess and maintain a language portfolio, 120 ready-made lesson plans, list of materials that will be needed to complete the lessons, access to the Teacher's Zone, where you can download ready-made teaching materials: illustrations for printing, photos, worksheets, game boards, MP3 recordings, transcripts and more. Sample pages: In the Teacher Zone you will find: MP3 recordings for the student's textbook. Downloadable files in the form of print-ready PDFs, which are an integral part of the teacher's manual. With their help, you can teach and play with the children, which diversifies the class activities. The materials have been prepared for specific lessons, and their presence in the Zone improves the teacher's preparation for classes. Additional materials, games and exercises. Access to all materials is free for all who purchased the book. The access code, located on the inside cover, should be entered in the appropriate place on the publisher's website. Kod dostępu, zamieszczony na wewnętrznej okładce, należy wpisać w odpowiednim miejscu na stronie wydawnictwa. Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.
Polski w szkole. Podręcznik ucznia
Przegląd podręcznika Polski w szkole. Podręcznik ucznia. Polski w szkole - is a modern series for learning Polish for children aged 7-10 for whom Polish is a foreign language, a second language or an inherited language. Polski w szkole is an innovative series for pupils aged 7–10 who are beginning systematic learning of the Polish language. The series is intended for 120 hours of learning and covers the content specified in the CEFR at A1 level. The series includes: a pupil's book with audio recordings, an exercise book and a teacher's textbook with access to additional materials in the Teacher's Zone. Iga and Filip, together with their parents, cousins and friends, as well as their beloved animals, will introduce children to the world of the Polish language, Polish culture and customs. While learning, children learn the language needed for everyday communication and the language of school education needed to learn mathematics, nature, music and other areas of school education. Language games and projects give pupils a chance to practice and demonstrate what they have learned. A clear structure that helps learning. Carefully selected materials, dialogues, games and activities encourage creative and effective learning. Illustrations, photos, maps, tables create a colorful world in which the characters of the textbook live. The Pupil's Book includes: The Polski w szkole series was prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the regulation of the Minister of National Education regarding the approval of textbooks for school use. 10 chapters, each containing 12 lessons, including: 6 communication lessons, with the fifth lesson always related to getting to know Poland, and the sixth lesson to learning customs and information about Poland and other countries, 1 lesson "How language work?" consolidating, in a communicative way, selected grammatical issues, the "Words and vocabulary" page, organizing and collecting new vocabulary, 2 lessons "School essentials", introducing elements of the language of school education, 1 lesson "I read and write" introducing systematic learning of reading and writing, 1 lesson "Emotion box", concerning emotions, ways of expressing them, behavior in selected situations, 1 project lesson, during which children work on projects using their language skills, a page with a presentation of the characters from the manual and a presentation of command symbols used in the manual, a list of selected grammar issues, transcripts of recordings (downloadable with code), audio recordings for lessons in the PROLOG Augmented App, available for free download in Google Play and App Store. Sample pages: Prezentacja podręcznika i metod pracy z serią Polski w szkole.