"Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" to zbiór ćwiczeń w układzie tematycznym, przygotowany z myślą o cudzoziemcach uczących się polszczyzny na poziomie B2.
Podręcznik może być wykorzystywany zarówno do pracy samodzielnej (klucz do ćwiczeń), jak i pod kierunkiem nauczyciela. Sprawdza się dobrze jako podręcznik prowadzący na poziomie B2.
e-book Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF
Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) is a collection of exercises arranged thematically which are geared toward foreigners learning the Polish language at the B2 level. Mastering the vocabulary, put together in this book, will enable them to undertake and effectively implement of a broad spectrum of linguistic functions: receptive, productive, and mediation, because ... they will not be at a loss for words. The collection consists of 20 thematic units, assembled in 4 modules finishing with "a test of vocabulary." Each unit contains several varied exercises. They enable learners to hone their skills of both self-discovery of the meaning of new words and recording them, as well as using them in various activities.In the exercises, most of which are based on texts about current moving problems, the following techniques were used:• matching words with their definitions;• open and controlled clozes;• text completion using given words;• collocation completion;• matching set phrases;• register transformation;• paraphrasing;• word transformation;• word puzzles;• formulation of lexically controlled responses (brief or expanded). Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) can be used as a textbook to work with, under the guidance of a teacher. The book will also be helpful to learners in their independent globetrotting search for words.
Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) is a collection of exercises arranged thematically which are geared toward foreigners learning the Polish language at the B2 level. Mastering the vocabulary, put together in this book, will enable them to undertake and effectively implement of a broad spectrum of linguistic functions: receptive, productive, and mediation, because ... they will not be at a loss for words. The collection consists of 20 thematic units, assembled in 4 modules finishing with "a test of vocabulary." Each unit contains several varied exercises. They enable learners to hone their skills of both self-discovery of the meaning of new words and recording them, as well as using them in various activities.In the exercises, most of which are based on texts about current moving problems, the following techniques were used:• matching words with their definitions;• open and controlled clozes;• text completion using given words;• collocation completion;• matching set phrases;• register transformation;• paraphrasing;• word transformation;• word puzzles;• formulation of lexically controlled responses (brief or expanded). Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) can be used as a textbook to work with, under the guidance of a teacher. The book will also be helpful to learners in their independent globetrotting search for words.