The Polish in exercises series consists of several books for students of higher level of language proficiency.
The series includes:
Polish orthography, Polish vocabulary and Viva Polonia - Wiedza o Polsce (available from 2021). They can be used both as a self-study material, and under the guidance of a teacher.
Each book includes a comprehensive set of exercises. They are designed as intensive language training with the use of a wide range of techniques and activities. The proposed thematic circles are in line with the Curricula for Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language and the Standards of Examination Requirements (Ministry of National Education, 2016).
Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) is a collection of exercises arranged thematically which are geared toward foreigners learning the Polish language at the B2 level. Mastering the vocabulary, put together in this book, will enable them to undertake and effectively implement of a broad spectrum of linguistic functions: receptive, productive, and mediation, because ... they will not be at a loss for words. The collection consists of 20 thematic units, assembled in 4 modules finishing with "a test of vocabulary." Each unit contains several varied exercises. They enable learners to hone their skills of both self-discovery of the meaning of new words and recording them, as well as using them in various activities.In the exercises, most of which are based on texts about current moving problems, the following techniques were used:• matching words with their definitions;• open and controlled clozes;• text completion using given words;• collocation completion;• matching set phrases;• register transformation;• paraphrasing;• word transformation;• word puzzles;• formulation of lexically controlled responses (brief or expanded). Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) can be used as a textbook to work with, under the guidance of a teacher. The book will also be helpful to learners in their independent globetrotting search for words.
Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" is the first comprehensive collection of exercises of Polish orthography written specifically for foreigners. The author, Dr. Elizabeth Zarych, has used her experience gained at the Jagiellonian University in the course of working with students, including Erasmus scholarship holders and translators. Issues that are particularly problematic for foreigners are comprehensively presented In 10 chapters. The rules of spelling are explained in detail and are accompanied by a variety of exercises, among which are: Pronunciation- spelling exercises, Word formation exercises, Clozes, Grammar tables, Diagrams, Language games, Recipes, Literary works, Songs, Dictations. In the learning of orthography, funny pictures also help in memorizing rules.The book can be used both as a self-learning book (answer key included) as well as a book to be used by a teacher in a classroom.The book includes MP3 audio recordings of exercises which can be download from the web.
Mówię po polsku. Ćwiczenia dla obcokrajowców. Poziom B1 i B2.
MÓWIĘ PO POLSKU. Ćwiczenia dla obcokrajowców. Level B1 and B2: This is a textbook for improving your speaking skills. It has been prepared for intermediate and upper intermediate students. Helps you prepare for Polish as a foreign language certification exams. Ready-made lesson units. Everyday life topics. It consists of 20 chapters (10 for B1 and 10 for B2 level). Lesson units are structured according to a similar pattern: they are opened by tasks focusing attention around the topic, subsequent exercises require more and more independence in creating statements, and the last three tasks summarize the chapter and prepare for EGZAMIN CERTYFIKATOWY. The stimuli for expression are mainly authentic texts (for example, about famous Poles, popular places, cuisine, etc.), infographics, comics, as well as photos and illustrations. Diversified work techniques and types of tasks allow to carry out basic linguistic activities: productive (monologue) and interactive (dialogue). EGZAMIN CERTYFIKATOWY - at both examination levels (B1 and B2) you will have the opportunity to listen to the recordings with sample examination statements. Overview: About the bookI speak Polish. Exercises for foreigners is a textbook whose main task is to develop speaking skills for people who know the Polish language at the intermediate and upper intermediate level. It uses the assumptions of the communicative and task-oriented approach; emphasis was also placed on the development of intercultural competence. The publication is addressed to young people and adults who learn Polish as a foreign language or Polish is their second or inherited language. By using the book, the learner can develop independence and creativity in building statements and achieve freedom of communication in various situations of everyday life. The textbook can be used both during standard courses of Polish as a foreign language (individual lesson units may constitute a summary of larger batches of material), and during lessons preparing for the certificate exam. It will also be a good textbook for conversational classes in Polish as a foreign language. You can work with it during organized classes in groups and individually (independently or under the supervision of a teacher). The textbook covers the B1 and B2 language proficiency levels. It has been divided into two corresponding parts. Each of them consists of ten lesson units, which are concentrated around selected thematic circles, described in the "Curricula of Polish as a Foreign Language. Levels A1 – C2 ”(2016). On the introductory cards to the individual parts marked as B1 and B2 you can find, among others: a general description of the level of language proficiency and speaking skills, information on the structure of the certificate exam, as well as instructions on how to perform tasks during the oral exam. All lesson units have a similar structure. The chapters usually start with pre-communication tasks aimed at focusing the learner's attention on the topic of the lesson, thus recalling and gathering the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures. Communication activities designed to develop fluency and fluency are the main part of each chapter. This is achieved, among others, by sample patterns and various visual-textual stimuli, helping to plan the content of the statement.These tasks have been arranged in order from the most structured to those requiring the learner's creativity. Each chapter concludes with a set of sample certification tasks from the speaking module. Their structure corresponds to those applicable during the oral exam (see www.certyfikatpolski.pl), but in the textbook they have been expanded in such a way as to prepare the learners for their implementation. For the first lessons at both B1 and B2 levels, recordings of the model exam statements were attached, which can be used as a model for the learner.Each teaching unit contains various auxiliary information: grammatical and lexical, stylistic and cultural. The latter appear in the content of the tasks and as additional information. The manual implements linguistic activities covering reception, production, interaction and mediation. The techniques used include: inference based on graphic materials, preparation of comics, questions and answers, description of the situation, summary, statement according to the given scheme, interview, simulations of the situation and role-playing, statements based on authentic materials (e.g. posters, leaflets, infographics, photos, diagrams and charts), discussion, statement based on the text (e.g. press and internet articles and excerpts from books), presentation.We hope you will enjoy the textbook I speak Polish. Exercises for foreigners, and it will be a useful help in developing your speaking skills during various types of courses or conversational classes, and will also facilitate preparation for the certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language. Authors
Mówię po polsku. Ćwiczenia dla obcokrajowców. Poziom A1 i A2.
MÓWIĘ PO POLSKU. Ćwiczenia dla obcokrajowców. Level A1 and A2: This is a textbook for improving your speaking skills. It has been prepared for beginners through pre-intermediate students. Ready-made lesson units. Everyday life topics. It consists of 20 chapters (10 for A1 and 10 for A2 level). Lesson units are structured according to a similar pattern: they are opened by tasks focusing attention around the topic, subsequent exercises require more and more independence in creating statements, and the last three tasks summarize the chapter and prepare for the certificate exam. The stimuli for expression are mainly authentic texts (for example, about famous Poles, popular places, cuisine, etc.), infographics, comics, as well as photos and illustrations. Diversified work techniques and types of tasks allow to carry out basic linguistic activities: productive (monologue) and interactive (dialogue). At the first examination level (A2), you will have the opportunity to listen to the recordings with sample examination statements. Overview: The study, with its didactic "flourish", resembles to a large extent a complete textbook for learning Polish. This is a great success and shows that its authors have managed to approach the development of oral linguistic production skills in a holistic way. My final assessment of the described material is very high. It exudes didactic professionalism and extensive teaching experience of its authors. It should occupy an important place among modern materials for teaching Polish as a foreign and second language.- from the review of prof. dr hab. Przemysław E. Gębal The textbook "I speak Polish. Exercises for foreigners ”by Monika Gworys and Anna Mądrecka is a very valuable, long-awaited position, filling a serious gap in the publishing market in the field of teaching Polish as a foreign language. It is a comprehensive set of activities forteaching, learning, and evaluating the speaking skills.- from the review of prof. dr hab. Iwona Janowska About the bookI speak Polish. Exercises for foreigners is a textbook whose main task is to develop speaking skills for people who know the Polish language up to the pre-intermediate level. It uses the assumptions of the communicative and task-oriented approach; emphasis was also placed on the development of intercultural competence. The publication is addressed to young people and adults who learn Polish as a foreign language or Polish is their second or inherited language. By using the book, the learner can develop independence and creativity in building statements and achieve freedom of communication in various situations of everyday life. The textbook can be used both during standard courses of Polish as a foreign language (individual lesson units may constitute a summary of larger batches of material) and during lessons preparing for the certificate exam.It will also be a good textbook for conversational classes in Polish as a foreign language. You can work with it during organized classes in groups and individually (independently or under the supervision of a teacher). The textbook covers the A1 and A2 language proficiency levels. It has been divided into two corresponding parts. Each of them consists of ten lesson units, which are concentrated around selected thematic circles, described in the "Curricula of Polish as a Foreign Language. Levels A1 – C2 ”(2016). On the introductory cards to the individual parts marked as A2 you can find, among others: a general description of the level of language proficiency and speaking skills, information on the structure of the certificate exam, as well as instructions on how to perform tasks during the oral exam. All lesson units have a similar structure. The chapters usually start with pre-communication tasks aimed at focusing the learner's attention on the topic of the lesson, thus recalling and gathering the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures. Communication activities designed to develop fluency and fluency are the main part of each chapter. This is achieved, among others, by sample patterns and various visual-textual stimuli, helping to plan the content of the statement.These tasks have been arranged in order from the most structured to those requiring the learner's creativity. In the second (A2) part, each chapter concludes with a set of sample certification tasks from the speaking module. Their structure corresponds to those applicable during the oral exam (see www.certyfikatpolski.pl), but in the textbook they have been expanded in such a way as to prepare the learners for their implementation. For the first lesson at A2 level, recordings of the model exam statements were attached, which can be used as a model for the learner.Each teaching unit contains various auxiliary information: grammatical and lexical, stylistic and cultural. The latter appear in the content of the tasks and as additional information. The manual implements linguistic activities covering reception, production, interaction and mediation. The techniques used include: inference based on graphic materials, preparation of comics, questions and answers, description of the situation, summary, statement according to the given scheme, interview, simulations of the situation and role-playing, statements based on authentic materials (e.g. posters, leaflets, infographics, photos, diagrams and charts), discussion, statement based on the text (e.g. press and internet articles and excerpts from books), presentation.We hope you will enjoy the textbook I speak Polish. Exercises for foreigners, and it will be a useful help in developing your speaking skills during various types of courses or conversational classes, and will also facilitate preparation for the certificate exam in Polish as a foreign language. Authors
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców is a textbook designed for beginner foreigners who are learning at levels A1 and A2. The textbook consists of 9 main chapters: grammatical gender, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb, syntax, preposition. Each of them is composed of subchapters addressing specific grammatical topics taught at the A1+ level. Theoretical explanations are accompanied by corresponding exercises. Polish Grammar in Exercises for Foreigners is suitable for self-study as well as supplementary material for courses. Within the textbook, you will find: precise grammatical explanations (even-numbered pages), systematic exercises (odd-numbered pages), illustrations presenting individual topics, information on the frequency of use of grammatical structures, interesting facts about Polish grammar, key for exercises. Example pages:
e-book Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF
Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) is a collection of exercises arranged thematically which are geared toward foreigners learning the Polish language at the B2 level. Mastering the vocabulary, put together in this book, will enable them to undertake and effectively implement of a broad spectrum of linguistic functions: receptive, productive, and mediation, because ... they will not be at a loss for words. The collection consists of 20 thematic units, assembled in 4 modules finishing with "a test of vocabulary." Each unit contains several varied exercises. They enable learners to hone their skills of both self-discovery of the meaning of new words and recording them, as well as using them in various activities.In the exercises, most of which are based on texts about current moving problems, the following techniques were used:• matching words with their definitions;• open and controlled clozes;• text completion using given words;• collocation completion;• matching set phrases;• register transformation;• paraphrasing;• word transformation;• word puzzles;• formulation of lexically controlled responses (brief or expanded). Polish vocabulary in exercises (Słownictwo polskie w ćwiczeniach) can be used as a textbook to work with, under the guidance of a teacher. The book will also be helpful to learners in their independent globetrotting search for words.
e-book Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF+MP3
"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" is the first comprehensive collection of exercises of Polish orthography written specifically for foreigners. The author, Dr. Elizabeth Zarych, has used her experience gained at the Jagiellonian University in the course of working with students, including Erasmus scholarship holders and translators. Issues that are particularly problematic for foreigners are comprehensively presented In 10 chapters. The rules of spelling are explained in detail and are accompanied by a variety of exercises, among which are: Pronunciation- spelling exercises, Word formation exercises, Clozes, Grammar tables, Diagrams, Language games, Recipes, Literary works, Songs, Dictations. In the learning of orthography, funny pictures also help in memorizing rules.The book can be used both as a self-learning book (answer key included) as well as a book to be used by a teacher in a classroom.The book includes a CD with MP3 audio recordings of exercises as well as dictations read at different speeds.The mp3 files can also be download from the web - using code from the CD.
e-book Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców is a textbook designed for beginner foreigners who are learning at levels A1 and A2. The textbook consists of 9 main chapters: grammatical gender, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb, syntax, preposition. Each of them is composed of subchapters addressing specific grammatical topics taught at the A1+ level. Theoretical explanations are accompanied by corresponding exercises. Polish Grammar in Exercises for Foreigners is suitable for self-study as well as supplementary material for courses. Within the textbook, you will find: precise grammatical explanations (even-numbered pages), systematic exercises (odd-numbered pages), illustrations presenting individual topics, information on the frequency of use of grammatical structures, interesting facts about Polish grammar, key for exercises.