GRAMATYKA polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców to podręcznik powstały z myślą o początkujących cudzoziemcach, to znaczy osobach uczących się na poziomach zaawansowania A1 oraz A2.
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców is a textbook designed for beginner foreigners who are learning at levels A1 and A2. The textbook consists of 9 main chapters: grammatical gender, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb, syntax, preposition. Each of them is composed of subchapters addressing specific grammatical topics taught at the A1+ level. Theoretical explanations are accompanied by corresponding exercises. Polish Grammar in Exercises for Foreigners is suitable for self-study as well as supplementary material for courses. Within the textbook, you will find: precise grammatical explanations (even-numbered pages), systematic exercises (odd-numbered pages), illustrations presenting individual topics, information on the frequency of use of grammatical structures, interesting facts about Polish grammar, key for exercises. Example pages:
e-book Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF
Gramatyka polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców is a textbook designed for beginner foreigners who are learning at levels A1 and A2. The textbook consists of 9 main chapters: grammatical gender, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral, verb, syntax, preposition. Each of them is composed of subchapters addressing specific grammatical topics taught at the A1+ level. Theoretical explanations are accompanied by corresponding exercises. Polish Grammar in Exercises for Foreigners is suitable for self-study as well as supplementary material for courses. Within the textbook, you will find: precise grammatical explanations (even-numbered pages), systematic exercises (odd-numbered pages), illustrations presenting individual topics, information on the frequency of use of grammatical structures, interesting facts about Polish grammar, key for exercises.