
HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja

HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja

PO POLSKU 3 Teacher's Handbook. The New Edition includes: methodological commentary to the Student's Book facilitating in-class learning and alternative teaching solutions, additional games and teaching activities facilitating the development of each language skill but also, photocopiable materials, standard written statements required for the B1 certificate exam, materials for design work, transcription of audio and video recordings, an answer key to the exercises from the Student's book, online downloadable games and tests ready for printing, DVD Video with films for the student's handbook, with and without subtitles, access to the Teacher's Zone with additional materials.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

68.90 zł
HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja

HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja

PO POLSKU 3 Student's Workbook. The New Edition includes: grammar and vocabulary exercises intended for an active vocabulary acquisition, which in turn will result in natural communication, 4 review lessons with self-assessment of progress, a key to the exercises, mp3 with recordings for each lesson to download files online, transcriptions of the audio materials on CD, all audio recordings available on the phone, in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store. The Workbook allows for independent study based on materials in PO POLSKU 3 Student's Book. In addition, "PO POLSKU 3": offers learners systematic pre-examination training; each lesson ends with Preparation for the B1 exam, includes exercises written in an examination format to help learners understand the structure of the exam.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

59.90 zł
HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja

HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 3 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja

PO POLSKU 3 Student's Book. The New Edition consists of 20 chapters and is designated for about 120 lessons. The Student's Book includes: texts:- which are authentic and modelled thereon- exciting, current topics related to, inter alia, with politics, ecology, religion, culture, equality,- and illustrate the reality of life in Poland. exercises modeled on the exam, developing the following skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening comprehension, exercises to develop mediation efficiency, in each lesson a preparatory part for the certification exam at level B1, revision lessons after every four modules, literary texts or their fragments, materials are rich in illustrations from modern-day Poland transcription of audio and video recordings, mp3 recordings for each lesson - to download online,, videos with exercises for each lesson, all Audio and Video recordings available on the phone in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store. The Student's Book has been designed for learning under teacher's guidance.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

84.90 zł
e-book (pdf) Odkrywamy język polski. Gramatyka dla uczących (się) języka polskiego jako obcego

e-book (pdf) Odkrywamy język polski. Gramatyka dla uczących (się) języka polskiego jako obcego

W tej aukcji mogą Państwo zakupić książkę w formacie pdf, w naszym sklepie dostępna jest także wersja e-pub oraz mobi. Learner's Grammar for Polish as a foreign language (in three languages: Polish, English and German) is a systematic presentation of Polish grammar through which the author invites learners to have fun and independently 'discover' the grammatical structures of the Polish language. Such a method of introducing the complexity of Polish grammar is especially learner-friendly and motivating. In turn, many humorous examples, sample sentences and illustrations explaining more challenging grammar problems facilitate the acquisition and retention of grammar rules. For those who prefer a more traditional approach to learning, the author presents clear tables and commentaries.Learner's Grammar in English and German have been compiled comparatively. This allows foreign language learners to quickly grasp structural differences between Polish and English, and Polish and German respectively, which in turn leads to a more swift acquisition of Polish grammar. 

56.90 zł
Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami

Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami

  The book Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami. (“I read in Polish. Twelve short stories with exercises.”) includes: 12 short stories at levels A2-B1, exercises assessing comprehension of written text,  lexical and grammar exercises under each short story,  PL/EN glossary + idioms, the answer key,  cultural annotations.  The exercises included in “I read in Polish. Twelve short stories with exercises.” are intended for individual work but can also be used as supplementary material by teachers in group courses. Students can use “I read in Polish.” as additional material supporting preparation for the level B1 certification exam.   The short stories are succinct and rich in content. Each constitutes a separate storyline that evokes various emotions in the reader: from laughter, through anger, to feelings of thrill or emotional upheaval.   Language used in “I read in Polish. Twelve short stories with exercises” is simple, but thanks to this uncomplicated structure the reader is able to follow the narrative without any problems. All the short stories are about the everyday life of various Poles and each story contains a moral, a lesson - not only about the correct formulation of sentences. The stories are open-ended and can motivate the student to write a continuation (thus practicing new skills). “I read in Polish. Twelve stories with exercises” are not only short stories with corresponding tasks but also a chance to learn new skills: summarizing a story, interpretation and argumentation as well as expressing yourself on a given topic (and it should be noted that each short story motivates you to speak about a different area of life). If you want to experience an extraordinary approach to learning Polish, choose Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami, the language of which is casual, and the characters’ dialogue realistic and natural.  

39.90 zł
Fiszki / audiofiszki. Testuj Swój Polski. Słownictwo 2

Fiszki / audiofiszki. Testuj Swój Polski. Słownictwo 2

The Package includes: illustrated, translated into five languages (ENG, DE, IT, ES, RUS) flashcard box (to be assembled) MP3 CD with 510 vocabulary audio recordings (PL, ENG, DE, IT, ESP, RUS) The MP3 CD is a part of a set. It can also be downloaded from the web page onto electronic devices (the link as well as QR code are printed on the CD). Play Market application link:  Nauka za pomocą systemu pięciu przegródek i użycia pudełka pomoże wam w regularnych powtórkach słownictwa. Materiał leksykalny można ćwiczyć także z książką "Testuj Swój Polski - Słownictwo 2"

14.99 zł
e-book Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF+MP3

e-book Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców PDF+MP3

"Ortografia polska w ćwiczeniach dla obcokrajowców" is the first comprehensive collection of exercises of Polish orthography written specifically for foreigners. The author, Dr. Elizabeth Zarych, has used her experience gained at the Jagiellonian University in the course of working with students, including Erasmus scholarship holders and translators. Issues that are particularly problematic for foreigners are comprehensively presented In 10 chapters. The rules of spelling are explained in detail and are accompanied by a variety of exercises, among which are: Pronunciation- spelling exercises, Word formation exercises, Clozes, Grammar tables, Diagrams, Language games, Recipes, Literary works, Songs, Dictations. In the learning of orthography, funny pictures also help in memorizing rules.The book can be used both as a self-learning book (answer key included) as well as a book to be used by a teacher in a classroom.The book includes  a CD with MP3 audio recordings of exercises as well as dictations read at different speeds.The mp3 files can also be download from the web - using code from the CD.

67.90 zł
Plakat "Która jest godzina?" (plakat składany)

Plakat "Która jest godzina?" (plakat składany)

Plakat "Która jest godzina", stanowiący niezwykle przydatną pomoc dydaktyczną dla nauczyciela języka polskiego jako obcego, ozdobi ścianę pracowni i pomoże w opanowaniu słownictwa służącego opisywaniu czasu i podawania godziny, zarówno w języku oficjalnym jak i nieoficjalnym.Plakat foliowany, składany.

8.90 zł
Plakat "Pory roku, miesiące, dni tygodnia" (plakat składany)

Plakat "Pory roku, miesiące, dni tygodnia" (plakat składany)

Plakat "Pory roku, miesiące, dni tygodnia", stanowiący niezwykle przydatną pomoc dydaktyczną dla nauczyciela języka polskiego jako obcego, ozdobi ścianę pracowni i pomoże w opanowania nazewnictwa z zakresu nazw pór roku, miesięcy i dni tygodnia.

8.90 zł
Plakat "Stopniowanie przymiotników i przysłówków"

Plakat "Stopniowanie przymiotników i przysłówków"

Plakat "Stopniowanie przymiotników i przysłówków" w formacie B2 stanowi niezwykle przydatną pomoc dydaktyczną dla nauczyciela języka polskiego jako obcego. Ozdobi ścianę pracowni i pomoże studentowi w opanowaniu stopniowania przymiotników i przysłówków. Materiał pochodzi z podręcznika studenta "HURRA!!! Po polsku 2".  Przy zakupie plakatu i pozycji książkowych, plakat wysyłany w formie złożonej. Przy zakupie tylko plakatu - wysyłka w tubie. Jeśli zamówienie ma być podzielone na 2 paczki, to wymagana jest dopłata za drugą przesyłkę (kontakt

6.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja PDF

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja PDF

PO POLSKU 2 Teacher's Handbook. The New Edition includes: methodological commentary to the Student's Book facilitating in-class learning, additional games and teaching activities facilitating the development of each language skill but also, photocopiable materials, additional pronunciation exercises, transcription of audio and video recordings, an answer key to the exercises from the Student's book, four progress tests, online downloadable games and tests ready for printing, online video with films for the student's handbook, with and without subtitles, access to the Teacher's Zone with additional materials.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

65.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

PO POLSKU 2 Student's Workbook. The New Edition includes: grammar and vocabulary exercises intended for an active vocabulary acquisition, which in turn will result in natural communication, a key to the exercises, mp3 with recordings for each lesson, transcriptions of the audio materials on CD, all audio recordings available on the phone, in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store. The Workbook allows for independent study based on materials in PO POLSKU 2 Student's Book.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

57.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 2 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

PO POLSKU 2 Student's Book. The New Edition consists of 20 chapters and is designated for about 120 lessons. The Student's Book includes: texts:- which are authentic and modelled thereon- contemporary - describe popular but also less frequently discussed topics (among others, family, travelling, business, Internet, sports, religious holidays)- and illustrate the reality of life in Poland. numerous and varied exercises systematically develop the 4 skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening interesting crossword puzzles, quizzes and exercises aid learners in acquisition and the process of retention materials are rich in illustrations from modern-day Poland transcription of audio and video recordings, mp3 with recordings for each lesson, videos with exercises for each lesson, all Audio and Video recordings available on the phone in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store. The Student's Book has been designed for learning under teacher's guidance.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

82.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Podręcznik studenta. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

PO POLSKU 1 Student's Book. The New Edition consists of 20 chapters and is designated for about 120 lessons. The Student's Book includes: texts:- which are authentic and modelled thereon- contemporary - describe popular but also less frequently discussed topics (among others, family, travelling, business, Internet, sports, religious holidays)- and illustrate the reality of life in Poland. numerous and varied exercises systematically develop the 4 skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening interesting crossword puzzles, quizzes and exercises aid learners in acquisition and the process of retention materials are rich in illustrations from modern-day Poland transcription of audio and video recordings, mp3 with recordings for each lesson, videos with exercises for each lesson, all Audio and Video recordings available on the phone in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store. The Student's Book has been designed for learning under teacher's guidance.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

82.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Zeszyt ćwiczeń. Nowa Edycja PDF+MP3

PO POLSKU 1 Student's Workbook. The New Edition includes: grammar and vocabulary exercises intended for an active vocabulary acquisition, which in turn will result in natural communication, a key to the exercises, mp3 with recordings for each lesson, transcriptions of the audio materials on CD, all audio recordings available on the phone, in the PROLOG Augmented App available for free download on Google Play and the App Store, a list of new words and phrases for each lesson. The Workbook allows for independent study based on materials in PO POLSKU 1 Student's Book. "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

57.90 zł
e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja  PDF

e-book HURRA!!! PO POLSKU 1 Podręcznik nauczyciela. Nowa Edycja PDF

PO POLSKU 1 Teacher's Handbook. The New Edition includes: methodological commentary to the Student's Book facilitating in-class learning, additional games and teaching activities facilitating the development of each language skill but also, photocopiable materials, additional pronunciation exercises, transcription of audio and video recordings, an answer key to the exercises from the Student's book, four progress tests, online downloadable games and tests ready for printing, online video with films for the student's handbook, with and without subtitles, access to the Teacher's Zone with additional materials.   "Hurra!!!" is the first series of textbooks for teaching Polish as a foreign language on the market and the only one so far that prepares from scratch for the B1 level certification exam. It was created as part of the EU Lingua 2 project in the Socrates program, based on the "European system of language education" and examination requirements standards. The series is characterized by a communicative approach and the promotion of teaching Polish in Polish. To this day, the "Po Polsku" textbooks set trends in Polish glottodidactics, and scientific publications emphasize their innovativeness, coherence and richness of information about the country and its culture, while taking into account Polish realities. The textbooks can be used by teachers and students from all cultures, not only adults, but also the Polish diaspora youth. "Hurra!!!" is a complete tool for learning Polish, leading the student from the beginning of this process to the B1 level. Both experienced and novice teachers can use all the elements of the series by determining the level of their students with a placement test and using tips, games and teaching suggestions from teacher's manuals. Student textbooks are intended for work during lessons, and workbooks, thanks to the answer key, CDs and texts of recordings, for individual work. The series is complemented by grammar textbooks developed in three language versions. In the new edition of "Hurra!!!" video clips have been added to each lesson, which, together with exercises developed for them, make learning more attractive. Brand new graphic layout was also designed. The first part has been expanded to include vocabulary lists and revised grammar tables. In the second part, tasks to develop writing skills were added, and in the third part, mediation skills.  Additionally, didactic excerpts from literary texts and press articles were prepared. Teacher’s books have been enriched with, inter alia, additional boards and language games.  Extensive exercise books, in a new version, in full color, are a rich base of exercise material recommended to teachers for use also during classes.  The PROLOG Augmented App (Android, IOS) allows easy access to audio and video clips via smartphone directly from student books and workbooks.

65.90 zł
Plakat "Czas przeszły. Aspekt niedokonany" PDF

Plakat "Czas przeszły. Aspekt niedokonany" PDF

Plakat "Czas przeszły. Aspekt niedokonany" w formacie B2 stanowi niezwykle przydatną pomoc dydaktyczną dla nauczyciela języka polskiego jako obcego. Ozdobi ścianę pracowni i pomoże w opanowaniu struktur czasu przeszłego w aspekcie niedokonanym. Materiał pochodzi z podręcznika studenta "HURRA!!! Po polsku 1".   

6.90 zł
e-book Survival Polish Crash Course. Podręcznik nauczyciela PDF

e-book Survival Polish Crash Course. Podręcznik nauczyciela PDF

SURVIVAL POLISH CLASSROOM EDITION TEACHER'S BOOK includes:• methodological notes helpful in planning interesting and attractive lessons for students,• suggestions for alternative exercises• additional games and activities to make lessons more attractive,• material with pronunciation exercises,• exercises help to master new vocabulary,• varied photocopiable materials, • photocopiable lists of actively taught vocabulary and structures• photocopiable worksheets for homework,• information about the interactive versions of the exercises,• Three progress tests and the final test.Additional exercises, games and drawings contained in The TEACHER's BOOK can be successfully used not only by users of the series SURVIVAL POLISH CRASH COURSE,but also as supplementary material or material for revision on all courses at levels A0 / A1. What's more, it inspires teachers to create their own lesson plans and teaching materials.

53.00 zł
e-book Survival Polish Crash Course. Classroom Edition. Podręcznik studenta. PDF+MP3

e-book Survival Polish Crash Course. Classroom Edition. Podręcznik studenta. PDF+MP3

SURVIVAL POLISH CRASH COURSE - CLASSROOM EDITION is a course book designed to be used under the guidance of a teacher. Ideal for short courses at levels A0 / A1, aimed at mastering the basic vocabulary with the minimum necessary information of grammar, in other words, acquiring practical knowledge of the Polish language "in a nutshell".SURVIVAL POLISH CRASH COURSE - CLASSROOM EDITION:• Divided into 17 modules.• Each module contains factual information in English which is useful for visitors to Poland.• Grammatical explanations given in an easy-to-understand form.• Particular  exercises were developed with audio.• The course book contains transcriptions of audio recordings as well as an answer key.• The course book includes a dictionary EN-ENG-DE, two glossaries with simplified phonetic transcriptions (ENG and DE) and a mini picture dictionary The set includes a course book, two CDs with MP3 audio, and 100 perforated flashcards with basic phrases.

82.90 zł